Together in Mission: Investing in the Vision

Rev. Yme Woensdregt Henri Nouwen has written a wonderful little booklet called A Spirituality of Fundraising, is filled with wonderful insights about the importance and visionary nature of stewardship. Early in the book, he writes, “Fundraising is proclaiming what we believe in such a way that we offer other people an opportunity to participate with […]
We Are … Together in Mission

You’ve heard about Together in Mission before. Last year, we concluded a Feasibility Study about the possibility of conducting a financial stewardship campaign in our Diocese. Many people in the Diocese worked hard at this task. I am deeply grateful for your work and your interest in being part of the study. The result of […]
Together in Mission: What is God Calling Us to Do?

Rev. Yme Woensdregt The Campaign Committee for Together in Mission continues to work hard behind the scenes as we prepare for our Diocesan financial stewardship campaign. One of the difficulties with writing for the Highway is that our articles are written a month ahead of time — and things change in the meantime. As John […]
Together in Mission: Laying the Groundwork

Rev. Yme Woensdregt The Campaign Committee for Together in Mission is hard at work to prepare the ground for our parish–based Diocesan financial stewardship campaign. It is parish–based. Part of what that means is that parishes will be invited and encouraged to dream together about the ministry to which God is calling you. Let me […]
More Rooms Needed for Overnight Guests

By Stuart Mann VIEWED from the sidewalk, the Order of the Holy Cross Priory in Toronto is the picture of permanence. Formerly a grand Victorian house, the priory is a delightful sandstone and brick building with a deep porch and a tower. It is located in one of the city’s most beautiful and affluent neighbourhoods, […]
Stewardship Mentoring Think Tank Chair

By Derwyn Sangster Experienced GIFT Continuation mentors from across the Diocese are helping parishes move into the ‘Continuation Phase’ of the GIFT campaign. During the Active Phase of the GIFT Campaign, our consultants, M&M International, identified many parish leaders who were instrumental in their individual parish campaigns. As the Active Phase drew to a close, […]