We Need to Talk about Calling – it’s a Game Changer

Providing a heartfelt message is our work in this world, especially now.

Making time to build relationships is an important role, especially right now. It is worth putting a leader and perhaps a team in place to connect with and developing these relationships. A big part of this is communication and following up with people. Think about who in your organization would be best suited to take this on.

If you are a small organization, the benefit is that you typically have deeper relationships with your supporters and members. Often you know all your volunteers personally and you have a relationship with many of your repeat donors or members.

During this time of social isolation its important to reach out to all members in your community, or donors in your organization.

These calls are remarkably similar to donor thank you calls, but we simply want to share with them the impact their gift made. Let them know what your organization is going through and doing for the community. The most important thing to remember is to listen! What do they need during this time? Many will ask how they can financially support you further!

The Importance of a Call:

  • 95% of donors would appreciate a phone call from the Board of Directors or Leadership Team within a few days of receiving their gift
  • 93% would definitely give again the next time they were asked
  • 84% would definitely or probably make a larger gift[i]

Ways to Reach Out

Engage someone from your organization (maybe a leaders, volunteers, board members) to call a segment of your donor list and see how they are doing, thank them personally for their support to date, let them know what you are doing now to maintain the mission.

  • Phone calls: Most personal
  • Social media (Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat etc.)
  • Skype or Zoom
  • Email

Example Script

Hi (Donor Name), I am a volunteer/Board Member/Executive Director of [organization]. I am calling to ask you how you are doing?

Let them know what your organization is going through and doing for the community. How you have shifted practices to meet the current situation.

>>> With your support we have been able to continue to provide valuable services to our community. Recently, we [tangible impact of gift i.e. feed xxx more lunches] because of your help!


  1. How did you become connected with [organization]?
  2. Do you have any comments or questions I can bring back to the board for you?
  3. Lastly, I wanted to make sure I have your updated contact info. [Address, cell phone, email]
  4. [organization] has an e-newsletter! Would you be interested in receiving it?


Thank you so much for taking your time to talk with me today. We appreciate everything you do for us and this community.

GOT VOICEMAIL? Leave a short message, this is amazingly effective!

“Hi (Donor Name), this is (your name) from (your organization name). I am a board member/working with ____/Executive Director. I wanted to call and let you know about [a few things going on here].

At a time when so many in our community are struggling, you also thought of the most vulnerable and extended your hand of support to them. On their behalf and most certainly from us… Our heartfelt thanks.

My phone number is__ and email is __. If you would like to talk, or be added to our eNewsletter, please give me a call or send an email. Have a wonderful day and thank you for everything you do for us.


[i] Burk, P. (2020). Donor-centered fundraising: the profitable advantage of meaningful acknowledgment. Chicago, IL: Cygnus Applied Research.

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