We Need to Talk about Calling – it’s a Game Changer

Providing a heartfelt message is our work in this world, especially now. Making time to build relationships is an important role, especially right now. It is worth putting a leader and perhaps a team in place to connect with and developing these relationships. A big part of this is communication and following up with people. […]

Continue Following Your Mission during COVID-19

Many faith-based organizations are under significant pressure during this time to maintain their community while being unable to gather and potentially serve. There can be a further consideration when the members gather, they usually help support the organization financially. Or people think you are closed or unable to meet the needs of your clients or […]

A Small Nonprofit’s Guide to Surviving the Holiday Season

We are coming to the end of October. The Dollarama is already selling Christmas decorations. Before you know it, Starbucks will be brewing their Christmas blend and pumping out holiday carols. This is the time of year when all charities ramp up their solicitation and bring in most of their donations. People, including your own […]

What is DIY Fundraising?

Peer-to-peer fundraising has been growing in popularity for decades. CIBC’s Run for the Cure is a volunteer-driven, single day event that involves nearly 100,000 participants and raises about $17 million a year towards breast cancer research. It takes place in various communities across Canada. The Heart and Stroke Foundation’s Jump Rope For Heart encourages schools all over […]

How to Stay in Touch with Your Congregation During the Summer

It may seem like your congregation disappears into thin air during the summer months, especially in Canada, where the summer is short and the draw of cottages and camping feels impossible to ignore. But people’s faith doesn’t go on hold between May and October. In fact, for an environmentalist like myself, the summer presents an […]

5 Lessons Your Church Can Learn from Start-ups

1. See problems; create solutions Successful start-ups create a solution or a better way of doing things for a targeted audience. They take an idea, build a vision and put it into action. Faith-based organizations have been responding to needs in their community and providing solutions for centuries. That being said, times are changing; the […]

“I Never Want to Run a Fundraising Campaign Again”

by Marlie Whittle If this thought has ever crossed your mind, then keep reading. There are many reasons why a financial campaign can be an extremely stressful time for your organization. When we treat a campaign as a response to a crisis, it is deflating and exhausting and rarely yields positive results. In all this, […]

M & M International’s Core Values: What does ‘Environmentally Committed’ mean to us?

M & M International has five core values that drive the decisions we make and the work we do: Client-focused Adaptable Faithful Professionally Supportive Environmentally Committed These values distinguish M & M International from other consulting firms working with nonprofit organizations. Over the last few years, we have developed a stronger commitment to conduct our […]

Crafting Your Story to Make an Impact

by Marlie Whittle “If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.” – Dalai Lama Fundraising is about creating or strengthening the relationship between a person and the mission of an organization. This connection is created when the people closest to the cause, volunteers, staff, board members, those […]

Fundraising for People Who Don’t Like Fundraising

by Marlie Whittle We have all said it: “I’m just one person, what difference can I make?” There are two things that I would like you to consider next time you are inclined to utter some version of that sentence. First, if you don’t try, someone else will. Second, if you do try, you won’t […]