Many faith-based organizations are under significant pressure during this time to maintain their community while being unable to gather and potentially serve. There can be a further consideration when the members gather, they usually help support the organization financially. Or people think you are closed or unable to meet the needs of your clients or members.

This is the time to re-focus on following our mission– or the Divine’s mission –this is a time to find the peace of unity and relationship. This may look and feel different than other ways we have connected, but hey… who said we want to stay the same? Let’s transform and make new!

Here are 4 ways to stay close and connected, and build up financial capacity at the same time:

  1. Connect on the phone: Call every member in your faith community, or donor in your organizationAsk them how they are doing? What do they need during this time? Let them know what your organization is going through and doing for the community. Many will ask how they can financially support youThis may be a huge task for some of you with many thousands of membersThere are robocall companies like call-em-all that can helpProviding a heartfelt message is our work in this world, especially nowFor others, a team of devoted members can do this well with serious concerns passed to leadership.
  2. Send daily or weekly eCommunication! Reach people with a meaningful message (short – one paragraph) of hopeful communication which feeds their souls, (mailchimp or email blasts are two examples). Maintain connection and give them information about the organizations plans and needs. They will support you!
  3. Meet via Webinar/Virtual Meeting/Podcasts daily or weekly as appropriateYou can do so much virtually! You may even have a better audience than usual because people can choose their time and venue to watch/participate. People appreciate that you are meeting them where they are.
  4. Update your website – splash page (first page) – with your message: We care about you!

Follow your mission– be there for people as they are having a difficult time. The rewards will be more that you can imagine.

May you be surrounded by blooming flowers soon, Martha Asselin.  

Please contact [email protected] who would be happy to answer anquestions and provide more information to help you bring your mission to life.