Marlie Whittle— The Making of an Environmental Leader

Marlie Whittle always had a heart for environmental protection. But her path to becoming an environmental change maker evolved gradually. Like many people, Marlie was aware of the man-made destruction taking place in our natural world. However, it wasn’t until she worked as a tree planter, reforesting lands devastated by resource extraction, that she realized the magnitude of the problem. All around her, once-lush forest was reduced to rock-hard dirt. Despite the slim odds of reviving the land, Marlie and her team persisted in planting trees.

This experience highlighted for Marlie the severe and irreversible impacts of human actions on the environment. Unable to ignore the urgent need for change, Marlie felt compelled to intensify her environmental advocacy efforts. Today, Marlie is doing just that as the Associate Director of Philanthropy at Ecojustice, Canada’s largest environmental law charity.

Combining Passion, Skills and Action 

While Marlie considered passion vital to fulfill purpose, she recognized that it wasn’t enough if she wanted to further the environmental movement. She needed transferable, tangible skills to take action. 

In 2016, Marlie joined the M&M International team, where she gained three key skills that would help her grow as an environment leader— fundraising, leadership and knowledge of today’s most pressing environmental challenges. She found the space to learn and demonstrate her passion and commitment for the environment alongside M&M International’s Managing Director, Martha Asselin, an ardent environment advocate herself. 

 “Martha is an inspiring leader, and an incredible mentor. I learned a lot watching how she leads people and projects,” says Marlie. 

A key part of that learning included understanding people’s complicated relationship with money, and coaching volunteers so that they feel comfortable talking about it. Asking for money can feel intimidating. But Marlie learned to start the money conversation by bringing it all back to the mission of the organization. Despite being thought of as a taboo subject, money plays an instrumental role in bringing an organization’s mission to life. Topics like the climate crisis and biodiversity loss can be overwhelming, even hopeless at times. But when you invite people into the mission, you give them agency. You give them hope. 

Now when she discusses philanthropic giving with people, she invites them to look at money as a vital way of supporting the healing work that needs to take place in our world.

Her time working with M&M International gave Marlie an excellent introduction to fundraising: “Their approach is mission-driven, and the focus on mission and agency has helped me in my role as a fundraiser.”

Advice for Aspiring Change Makers

For those aspiring to be a part of the environmental protection movement, Marlie’s advice is practical. 

“Find out what you’re passionate about. Start there,” she says. “Find a mentor. Fundraising professionals typically love talking about fundraising and are very generous with their time. We really want to uplift other people working in this sector, so don’t be afraid to reach out and ask people you know how they got into the positions that they’re in.

Mission to Impact at Ecojustice

Marlie joined Ecojustice in 2019, where she and her colleagues continue to be laser-focused on their mission: to use the power of the law to defend nature, combat climate change and fight for a healthy environment. And it’s having an impact. Their strategic, public interest lawsuits and advocacy lead to precedent-setting court decisions, law and policy that deliver lasting solutions to Canada’s most urgent environmental problems. Marlie is enthusiastic about connecting with people who want to join the Ecojustice community of supporters and contribute to the cause. She takes pride in empowering individuals to make an impact, especially in the face of environmental challenges. She values knowing when to step up for someone and when to step back, letting them take the lead.

Marlie’s commitment to environmental justice, fundraising and community-building has allowed her to contribute significantly to the cause of environmental protection and the fight against climate change.


Thanks to Marlie for sharing her insights and being part of the Inspiring Change Makers series! She is a shining example of the impact we can have when we combine passion, skills, and action. Did any of Marlie’s insights resonate with you? Share with us on LinkedIn or Facebook.