St Mark’s Campaign Pulpit Announcement – “Money Talk”

St Mark’s Family of Faith Campaign Duration – 3-4 minutes [but I had to speak quickly] Prepared and delivered by Bruce Orr after 5PM [Oct 24] mass Scheduled to deliver to all 3 masses on Sunday Nov 1st [I reeceived very positive feedback from about 12 parishioners – “never heard an inspiring talk about money […]

Together in Mission: Investing in the Vision

Rev. Yme Woensdregt Henri Nouwen has written a wonderful little booklet called A Spirituality of Fundraising, is filled with wonderful insights about the importance and visionary nature of stewardship. Early in the book, he writes, “Fundraising is proclaiming what we believe in such a way that we offer other people an opportunity to participate with […]

We Are … Together in Mission

You’ve heard about Together in Mission before. Last year, we concluded a Feasibility Study about the possibility of conducting a financial stewardship campaign in our Diocese. Many people in the Diocese worked hard at this task. I am deeply grateful for your work and your interest in being part of the study. The result of […]